Two West Penn
2 West Penn Street
Carlisle, PA 17013
Two West Penn is designated for individuals who are 50 years of age or older or who are mobility-impaired. The building has 50 units consisting of 44 one-bedroom apartments and six efficiency units. It is located in Carlisle Borough within Downtown Carlisle. This community is considered independent living.
Two West Penn is equipped with an elevator and a security system to control entry to the property. Each apartment is connected to a central station alarm system, which contacts 911 for ambulance and fire calls.
Residents pay for electricity and phone/cable, and the landlord pays for water, sewer, and trash service. Tenants pay 30% of their monthly adjusted income in rent and utilities.
Paper applications are available at the office by phoning the main office. Completed applications should be mailed to the address of the property indicated at the top of the form or delivered during office hours.
UNIT SIZES: efficiency and 1br

TEL: (717) 249-3484